NFT Paris
Le Five 18
February 24th

“Unique, Universal & a breath of fresh air. W3FC001 was the best event of NFT Paris.”

On February 24th, at Le Five 18 in Paris, we embarked on our official journey with W3FC001. From 2-5pm, we hosted an intimate footy tournament with over 100 attendees. Seven teams played non-stop, having fun, and getting to know each other for the first time in a brand-new environment for Web3 enthusiasts to explore.

The event was a huge success, with participants enjoying the competitive yet friendly atmosphere. The close-quarters setup of the tournament fostered an intimate sense of community, bringing together players from different backgrounds and skill levels. As part of our commitment to inclusivity, we ensured that everyone had the opportunity to participate fully, regardless of their skill level. This approach helped to create a level playing field and fostered a sense of camaraderie among participants.

Overall, the W3FC001 tournament was a resounding success, kickstarting our journey with a strong sense of community and shared passion for Web3 technology and soccer. We look forward to hosting more events like this in the future and continuing to build a vibrant community of Web3 enthusiasts and soccer lovers.

If you attended the event and want to see the full photo dump, head to: W3FC.MEDIA to download and see them all!

/ Official W3FC001 Feedback

“W3FC is incredibly unique compared to all other Web3 meetups. With millions of passionate fans around the world, football is the perfect medium to meet and bond with others through teamwork, athleticism, and sportsmanship. The friendships I formed at W3FC001 were far deeper and more meaningful than any others from typical networking events.”

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